Fiesta de la Tirana is an event based on the legend of a vengeful Incan princess who fell in love with a European conqueror. In order to marry him, she gave up her pagan religion and converted to Christianity. Even if its significance is rooted in Christianity, the festival is best-knows for filling the town streets with an exuberant mix of music, dance, costumes and masks inspired from the pre-Hispanic times.
Confirmed Dates
Fiesta de La Tirana
Time of the day:
Event type:
10 Jul, '25
16 Jul, '25
Last update: 03 Jan, 2025
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Hi! I am Ciprian.
I love to explore the world and so I found that any worthwhile trip needs a rock-solid plan. One built around clear trip goals and based on simple and practical info.
Well, that info already exists but it is spread in too many places. My long term goal is to bring it here. Not all. Just the minimum you need to plan the trip that really meets your expectations.