Website Administrator Tools

Website Administrator Tools

Tools for Published CULTURAL EVENTS:

Terms explanation:

(*) visible: events visible/accessible from the main menu. because we have enough essential info about them;

(**) hidden: events hidden from the main menu. because we don’t have enough essential info about them.

Tools for Unpublished CULTURAL EVENTS:

Technical "TO DO" List:

  • design the list of “PAGE ELEMENTS” (Text areas, weblinks area, video links area and Photo gallery area) that each CE post should contain;
  • for each “PAGE ELEMENT” create a pair of custom-fields: one for the content of it and a SHOW/HIDE switch.
  • create a global template build with all “PAGE ELEMENTS” ordered in a practical order. Each element in this template should be displayed (together with its content) only if the SHOW/HIDE switch is set to SHOW.
  • place that global template on each CE post.
  • add a way to show inside a CE post the link that proves the event dates are confirmed (e.g. autommatically include it into the “Short Description” element);
  • add metrics for public events. Numbers of:  Total Public Events, Future Events, Unconfirmed Future Events and Past Events;
  • add metrics for not-public events. Number of Total Events, and the number of events that full-fill each documentation-mark represented by custom-fields from the settings area of each post (e.g. no-of-posts that already have “Short Description, no-of-posts that already have “Descriptive-Video” and so on.

HEADING Size and Font:

H1 - R - Add Your Heading Text Here ?

H2 - R - Add Your Heading Text Here

H3 - R - Add Your Heading Text Here

H4 - R - Add Your Heading Text Here

H5 - R - Add Your Heading Text Here
H6 - R - Add Your Heading Text Here