Tourist Attraction Proposal Form

Welcome and thanks for your willingness to grow our Tourist Attractions database!

Here in the Exotic Spy community, we love extensive documentation but we prefer the concise info-packs. For this reason, the form below contains only what we believe is essential to be known about a tourist attraction.

Please keep in mind that:

  • you can use this form to propose a new Tourist Attraction or to send updates about an existing one;
  • only a few form fields are mandatory* , but we kindly ask you to fill in as many as you can. Otherwise, we’ll need to postpone publishing your  proposal until we’ll find the missing info;
  • the last form fields are reserved for your personal data. With your approval, as a symbolic reward to you, we intend to publish them inside the article we will create for this Tourist Attraction proposal.

And now, the form is all yours! 🙂

Place Name*
Add the town or the area or the GPS coordinates.
Place Type
e.g. Waterfall, Temple, Palace etc.
Entrance Fees
Photo/Video Policy
e.g. Free, Tax Required, Outside Only, Forbidden etc.
Short Description
Answer to questions like: what is here, what is this place famous for, what are some key facts about this place?
Upload Photos
Maximum file size: 10 MB
Link to a Descriptive Video
e.g. YouTube link.
Additional Info
What else the tourists should know about visiting this place? Think about:
- other interesting activities to do;
- other interesting things to see;
- the best way to get there;
- the best time to go there;
- restrictions (e.g. alcohol consumption, clothing, displaying affection in public, taking pictures, etc.).
Organized Tourism Options
Can you suggest people who can help tourist to visit this place through guided tours/safaris/sea trips/excursions etc? If yes please add:
- their contact data (e.g. email, phone number, social media IDs etc.);
- a short description of their offer and the regular price.
Your Name*
Your Email*
Your Town*
Your Country*
Additional Contact Data
Add any other additional ways of contacting you like your website, social media IDs or your phone number.
Contact Data Publishing Approval*
Please chose which of your contact data can be published on
Content Publishing Approval*